Fostering a Gender-Just Energy Transition

We promote gender-just energy solutions that change the systems and structures at the root of the climate and inequality crises.

The SHINE Collab goals are to:

  • Demonstrate the power of community-controlled women-led renewable energy solutions as an enabler of climate, economic and gender justice.
  • Combine knowledge, networks and financing in support of frontline gender-just energy solutions and leadership, forging cross-sectoral partnerships across the gender justice, feminist, climate and energy sectors.
  • Shape the field and change the narrative that currently focuses on large-scale, top down energy and climate solutions using data and knowledge from practice to make the case for community-driven, women-led energy and climate alternatives.
  • Promote a gender just, power-building approach to the just energy transition in policy and practice that challenges the ongoing impact of extractives and fossil fuels, and promote people-centered alternatives. 
  • Build the organizational capacity of the SHINE Collab to lead from the African continent.

The Opportunity: The Climate, Gender & Energy- Access Nexus

Read Our Overview

Click to view the SHINE Collab overview to learn more about our mission, the challenges before us, and how we want to bring about a just transition.

SHINE Overview

The Problem: Compounding Crises