The SHINE Collab connects you with research, tools and best practices to help you prioritize just, clean, distributed energy solutions initiatives focused on: 

  • Reaching the hardest-to-reach communities.
  • Incorporating the full participation of communities in developing locally-owned, affordable clean energy assets that improve and sustain their livelihoods.
  • Empowering by women, indigenous persons, and racial and cultural minorities in their respective contexts
  • Respecting human rights and the environment while serving communities left behind by centralized, large-scale energy access initiatives.


Energising adaptation: key considerations for coupling energy access with climate adaptation and resilience

People who rely on ‘dirty’ fuels and methods to cook their food and live without electricity are also some of the most vulnerable to the negative impacts of climate change. Yet, energy is a crucial enabler of socioeconomic development. Energy products and services have the potential to support climate mitigation and adaptation efforts, but the links to adaptation and resilience remain murky. We believe that a clearer recoupling of climate adaptation and energy access efforts would allow us to align the benefits of fulfilling climate adaptation needs through energy access and create more resilient households. With care, this would enable a quicker scale up and achieve stronger outcomes for everyone.

IIED Publications Library | October 2024

GOGLA Climate Paper

GOGLA | September 2023


Opinion: Renewable energy needs accountability to end green colonialism

Devex | March 2023


Selling Productive Use of Energy Products to Last Mile Consumers

Global Distributers Collective (GDC) | July 2022


Appliances for ALL: Assessing the Inclusivity of the Solar Lighting & Appliance Sector

Efficiency for Access | September 2022


How to Unlock Financing for Mini-Grids in Africa at Scale Through Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration

African Mini-grid Developers Association (AMDA), Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP) | March 2023


Benchmarking Africa’s Minigrids Report

African Minigrid Developers Association (AMDA) | 2022


Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report 2022: State of the Sector

GOGLA | 2022


The Path to Universal Electricity Access: The Role of Technology, Market Forces and Policy

POWER for ALL | July 2023


The Power of Collaborative Philanthropy: Giving Together to the Address Climate Crisis

Climate Leadership Initiative | 2022


Funding Tends 2022: Climate Change Mitigation Philanthropy

ClimateWorks Foundation | 2022


What is the Impact of Investing in Power: Practical Thinking on Investing for Development

Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) CDC | January 2020


Strengthening Gender Equity in Locally Led Adaption Processes in Africa

World Resources Institute, Women’s Climate Centers International (WCCI) | June 2023


Working Paper: Powering a Gender-Just Energy Transition

ENERGIA, GGKP Expert Group on Gender | March 2023


Building the Business Case for Women’s Inclusive Financing in Last-Mile Renewable Energy Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa

ENERGIA | October 2022


Holistic Ecosystem Approach to Reliable Energy Services

Good Energies Foundation, SELCO | November 2022


Climate Resilience in India: Key Insights from Acumen’s Agriculture Accelerator

Acumen, Rabo Foundation | (not dated)


Global Landscape of Climate Finance: A Decade of Data

Climate Policy Initiative | October 2022


Protecting Communities and the Climate from Corruption

Waverly Street, Transparency International | (not dated)


Providing Emergency Relief for Clean Energy Entrepreneurs Working ‘Last Mile’ Access in Uganda

One Earth (Daughters for Earth) | (not dated)


Funding Social Justice in the Energy Transition

The African Climate Foundation | March 2023


Philanthropies Commit to Sustained Collective Action in Response to the Climate Emergency

Children’s Investment Fund Foundation | December 2020


Philanthropy’s Momentum Shifting Power to Local Communities

Hewlett Foundation | April 2023


How Communities of Color Lead on Climate Solutions-And Ways to Support Them

Hewlett Foundation | August 2022


Progress Report: Almost One-fifth of US$1.7B, Five Year Pledge Delivered for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in First Year After UN Climate Change Talks in Glasgow, Yet Urgent Work Remains

Ford Foundation | November 2022


Co-Impact is Excited to Announce the Development of Our Second Fund – The Gender Fund- to Accelerate Progress Towards Gender Equality and Women’s Leadership

Co-Impact: Gender Fund Announcement | (not dated)


How Can the EU Deliver a Socially Just Green Deal?

Open Society Foundations | May 2022


Request for Proposals: Just Transition Mapping

Mapping Organizations and Efforts Working to deliver Just Transitions Across Sectors and Geographies

Laudes Foundation, Wallace Global Fund, Ford Foundation | May-June 2023


Coal in Net Zero Transitions: Strategies for Rapid, Secure and People-Centered Change

Bloomberg Philanthropies, International Energy Agency | November 2022


Grid Alternatives: Bringing Solar Power to Low-Income Neighborhoods

11th Hour Project, The Schmidt Foundation | (not dated)


Inclusive Engineering Increases Energy Access in the Amazon

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation | June 2023


Four Attitudes Toward Climate Change in India

MacArthur Foundation, Yale Program on Climate Change Communications | May 2023


What Gets Measured Gets Financed: Climate Finance Funding Flows and Opportunities

The Rockefeller Foundation | November 2022


She Leads Bharat: Elevating Women Leaders to Build Thriving Rural Communities, One Entrepreneur at a Time

Frontier Markets | (not dated)


Toward a Gender-Transformative Agenda for Climate and Environmental Action

Women’s Environmental Development Organization (WEDO) | March 2022


Transforming the Power System in Energy-Poor Countries: Connecting Human Opportunity with Climate Action

Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet | (not dated)